The Champions League -”Sleep Perchance to Dream”
Image by Freepik
It doesn’t seem like football has been off our screens or out of our psyche for any significant time at all. The Champions League has started and inflicted upon us the consumer a new format, with more games and more teams.
However, and as an avid rugby follower, I cannot believe I am writing this – spare a thought for the players who now have to squeeze extra games into an already crowded schedule and stay at the peak of performance. Indeed, they are overpaid and in some cases so dramatic a little gold statue needs to be handed out for the best ”overacting” performance. However, they are also human, and their talents cannot be flogged into the ground for extra revenue and more ads but I will leave that to more erudite and loquacious commentators than myself.
Sleep for all professional athletes is critical to both recovery and fatigue management. If you as their employer is making them work harder, then sleep might be that 1% gain that allows their performance to continue at the stratospheric level that you require. Sleep not only aids physical recovery by many studies have shown that cognitive ability is also markedly affected by a lack of “forty winks”. The critical pinpoint pass will not be threaded if sleep is not protected.
The team at Footfalls have a product that measures movement during sleep to quantify, disrupted sleep, sleep length, sleep consistency and with our incorporated respiration sensor a quantitative guide to sleep stages. All in a mattress topper to start and soon within the mattress itself.
An invisible, private, personal, sleep specific technology that will roll up and fit in your luggage. A truly innovative measurement tool that allows continuous testing of sleep to give a picture to athlete and coach alike of the impact extra games are having on recovery and hence performance.
The technology gathers a truly linear picture of the sleep process over years and thus allows for a comprehensive and coherent strategy around recovery to be formulated without the need for what is incorrectly called a “wearable”. To be clear, wearables have their place but they measure the sleep of your finger or wrist not your sleep as a total package.
Footfalls technology is an invisible device that measures you and is machine washable. The beginning of the future of personalised sports metrics making the most valuable assets the centre of a data revolution.